BDORT的科學研究 (English)
Analysis of Bi-Digital O-Ring Test in Brazil
Paulo L. Farber, M.D.*, Keitiro Koga, M.D.** *Professor and Coordinator, Acupuncture Research Department, University of Sao Paulo Medical School; Researcher, Obstetrics Division, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of Sao Paulo Medical School; Scientific Director, Brazilian Medical Association of acupuncture; Director, Scientific Acupuncture Research Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil **
Professor and researcher, Scientific Acupuncture Study Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil Scientific Acupuncture Study Center. Address: Rua Verissimo Gloria, 165. Sao Paulo – SP, 01251-140. Brazil
After Dr. Yoshiaki Omura workshop on Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT) hold in Sao Paulo, Brazil in November, 1995, we started investigating the validity and application of BDORT. Immediately after the workshop, we made a double-blind trial, using a microscopic slide with stomach and other microscopic slide with plain glass. Using a indirect BDORT, we pointed a metal probe at the stomach area (acupuncture point Ren 12) and tested in the force of O-Ring of a intermediary person who had no idea about what is happening, and although he was a doctor he had no knowledge about BDORT or acupuncture. Two microscopy slides were wrapped with paper, so that could be impossible to know what slide the intermediary person was holding. After 20 trials we realized that only one slide evoked resonance phenomenon: the slide containing stomach fragment. After that, we started researching BDORT. Nowadays we have three outpatient departments (Acupuncture Research Department, Sao Paulo University Medical school; Brazilian Medical Association of Acupuncture and Outpatient Department and Scientific Acupuncture Study Center) and about 40 private clinics making research about BDORT.
As an example, we are able to show some results obtained in the two author’s private clinics, and Outpatient Department and Scientific Acupuncture Study Center, between August, 1996 and April, 1997, as follows; Patients: 165 (Male: 59 -35.76% Female: 106 -64.24%) Age (Mean ¡ SD): 46.23¡15.69. Duration of treatment: 48.14¡24.55 days. Common Diagnosis: Chronic pain (124 patients, 75.15% of all) Common types of chronic pain: Arthralgia (30.65% of patients with pain), Headache (20.97%), Cervical pain (14.52%) and Backache (14.52%). Common resuls of BDORT: Chlamydia (psitaci, trachomatis or pneumoniae) (82.42% of all patients), Herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2 (64.84%), Cytomegalovirus (59.39%), Lyme Borrelia burgdorferi (55.75%), Toxoplasma gondii (23.03%) and Helicobacter pylori(18.18%).
Common Drugs Utilized: Eicosapentaenoic acid + Docosahexaenoic acid (96.96%), Doxiciciline (76.36%), Propolis (23.63%), Sulphadiazine + Trimetropin (23.03%) and Amoxiciline (11.51%).
Common Enhanced Drug Uptake Methods: (+) Qi-gong stored paper (92.12%), Acupuncture (76.36%) and Strong shiatsu massage at organ representation areas (30.90%). Percentage of people with no symptoms at the end of treatment: 70.90% Patients whose symptoms improved more than 80%: 15.85%
Conclusion: BDORT is a valid and potential method of diagnosis and therapeutic. We believe that with BDORT we are able to make a revolution about treatment in a lot of pathologies.
Evaluation of Muscle Strength Change by BDORT Tester
---Comparison of Muscle Strength Curve between BDORT Beginners and Experts---
Nishimura M.D., Yasuhiro Shimotsuura M.D., F.I.C.A.E., Motomu Ohki, M.Sc, Hiroyuki Maezawa*, Genzo Kishimoto**, Yoshiaki Omura M.D.,M.Sc., F.I.C.A.E.***
ORT Life Science Research Institute, Fukuoka * Yasukawa electric Mfg., Fukuoka ** Kishimoto Apparatus, Fukuoka
In Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT), detection of muscle strength change is often subjective for beginners. To evaluate a degree of subjectivity, we developed a special instrument BDORT tester, which pulls bi-digital o-ring and senses the degree of its opening.
The purpose is to test whether this instrument can be used reliably for direct BDORT to beginners as well as experts. We studied if there is some difference in muscle strength wave form between beginners and experts using BDORT tester.
Experimental Subject)
We allocated subjects into following two groups.
*BDORT expert group
BDORT experience for more than 1 year (doctors, nurses) ;13 cases
*BDORT beginner group
BDORT experience within 1 year
(patients) ;55 cases
Instruction of BDORT tester
Determination of air pressure (auto)
Inspection of control muscle strength curve (wave form when no body area is touched)
Confirmation of reproducibility of control muscle strength curves by repeated testing
There was a marked difference in control muscle strength curves between two groups. The angles in surge of degree of opening for experts and beginners were 50.9±20.7°、29.6±9.3°, respectively.
The angles in surge of degree of opening were significantly steeper in experts. Muscle strength wave form on BDORT tester can be used for evaluation of one’s technical skill of performing BDORT.
In BDORT experts, muscle strength change is more easily detected from opening pressure rather than degree of opening, because muscle strength curve is steeper.
Evaluation of the Detection of Pathological Areas of New Patients Using Objective Measurement Apparatus (ORT Tester) -Finger Muscle Tone Decrease by Physical Stimulation of the Skin above Pathological Organ Confirmed by Laboratory Test-
*Yasuhiro Shimotsuura, M.D., F.I.C.A.E., **Hiroyuki Maezawa, ***Genzo Kishimoto, *Motomu Ohki, Msc., *Hideki Ishimoto, Msc., ****Yoshiaki Omura M.D.,Sc.D.,F.I.C.A.E.,
*ORT Life Science Research Institute, Shimotsuura Clinic, FUKUOKA, ** Yasukawa Electric Mfg., FUKUOKA,
***Kishimoto Apparatus, FUKUOKA ,****Heart Disease Research Foundation, NEW YORK
[Background]: In 1981, OMURA, Y., first reported the phenomenon that stimulating the skin above an affected organ decreases muscular strength and leads to open digital O-Ring, which is known as Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT). Of the fundamental mechanism of this phenomenon, SHIMOTSUURA Y. and colleagues have reported as the methods for objective evaluation of BDORT (SHIMOTSUURA Y., 1988-1999).
[Aim]: The Aim of this study is to confirm the basic phenomenon of BDORT when it is performed on ORT tester as well. We aimed to evaluate how much degree we can detect the affected area, which are identified by modern medicine, of new patients with this apparatus.
[Object]: 69 new patients were assigned to two groups. Group A (41 patients; 109 Pathological Areas) were patients tested with ORT tester before medical examination, Group B(28 patients; 97 Pathological Areas) were those tested with ORT tester after diagnosis. Further, Group B is divided into B1(10 patients; 43 Pathological Areas) and B2(18 patients; 54 Pathological Areas).The distance between a patient and the apparatus were 60cm(Group B1) and more than 100cm(Group B2), respectively.
[Method]: 1)explanation for use (with a reference materials); 2) demonstration by commentator; 3)guidance of making O-Ring; 4)automated stimulate pressure on screen for control were established; 5)search for control area; 6)switch the screen for test, positive or negative are determined; 7)out put data were analyzed: while automated stimulate pressure were given, how much about open degree(%) and pressure of opening moment(kg/cm2). the doctor who did medical examination to the patients and the person who treated ORT tester is not the same. The method of evaluation of the data is that decide decline of muscular strength needs 20% or more of air-charging pressure decline rate and/or 20% or more of open degree rise rate, the other kind is contained in control condition. The following are 5 pattern of evaluation of muscular strength
20% or more of air-charging pressure decline rate and 20% or more of open degree rise rate 2)20% or more of air-charging pressure decline rate and 20% or less of open degree rise rate 3)20% or less of air-charging pressure decline rate and 50% or more of open degree rise rate 4)20% or less of air-charging pressure decline rate and 50% or less of open degree rise rate 5)20% or less of air-charging pressure decline rate and 20% or less of open degree rise rate

Fig. 1 Five pattern of evaluation of muscular strength
Rate of detection of pathological areas of patients using ORT tester are: 1)20% or more of air-charging pressure decline rate
Group A: 71 Pathological Areas (65.1%) ; Group B: 60 Pathological Areas (61.9%) 2)20% or more of open degree rise rate
Group A: 65 Pathological Areas (59.6%) ; Group B: 74 Pathological Areas (76.3%)
20% or more of air-charging pressure decline rate and 20% or more of open degree rise rate Group A: 53 Pathological Areas (48.6%) ; Group B: 60 Pathological Areas (44.3%)
20% or more of air-charging pressure decline rate or 20% or more of open degree rise rate Group A: 83 Pathological Areas (76.1%) ; Group B: 73 Pathological Areas (75.3%)
Rate of detection of pathological areas related for the distance between a patient and ORT tester Group B1: 30 Pathological Areas (69.8%) ; Group B2: 43 Pathological Areas (79.6%)

Fig 2. Rate of detection of 5 pattern of evaluation of muscular strength
We have researched the change of finger muscle tone of BDORT by physical stimulating the physical complaint areas of new patients by using ORT tester. We have discussed the factor of objective distinction of finger muscular tone decrease. As the evaluating factor of finger muscular tone decrease of BDORT, the decrease of supplying air and the case of the increase of open degree are considered. Even the case of over 20% decrease of supplying air and the case of the 20% increase of open degree the detection rate of abnormality was around 60%. But if we apply both factor of over 20% decrease of supplying air and 20% increase of open degree, the detection rate was decreased to around 40%, but if we apply either 20% decrease of supplying air or 20% increase of open degree, the detection rate was increased up to 75%. So one of these factors are fulfilled, it can be detected the abnormality by BDORT. With or not the diagnosis of the doctor, physical stimulation on pathological areas caused to decrease of finger muscle tone, and O-Ring shaped with two fingers was opened. However testing 1m or more away from the apparatus, the detection rate was increased. So there is a possibility that accuracy of the data should change by the distance from the apparatus. Even though the patients had pathological abnormalities by laboratory test, the case of both within 20% decrease of supplying air and within 20% increase of open degree was within control area. So we evaluate this case as undetectable. In the undetectable case, such as the nerve disorder of cervical vertebra, numbness, disorder of the nerve of diabetes, metastasis of the brain and joint obstacle such as the patients with rheumatism. On the other hand, the case of the skill of using ORT tester, and we had observed quite small change of the decrease of finger muscle tone decrease. For further research of the BDORT, it is necessary of objective evaluation of BDORT whether or not the mechanism of BDORT is explained with the common factor of physiological phenomenon.
Acknowledgments: We would like to express sincere gratitude to Mr. Satoru Nio, Mr. Mitsunori Yokoooji, Mr. Michio Hanada (YASUKAWA Electric Mfg.), Mr. Hideki Otake (SANYO Sangyo) for there useful suggestion., further more, to staff of Shimotsuura Clinic and Mr. Masato Ichiki (KISHIMOTO Apparatus) for collection of data.
Reference: OMURA, Y., Acupunct. Electro-ther. Res., 10, 1-12, 1985
OMURA, Y., Acupunct. Electro-ther. Res., 12, 201-225, 1987
SHIMOTSUURA Y., Acupunct. Electro-ther. Res., 21, 231, 1996;22, 234-235, 1997
SHIMOTSUURA Y., Kyoumei., 2-5, 9-12
Dominic P. Lu, DDS. FAGD, FRSH, FICD
Professor of Oral Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Director of Medical and Dental Externship Education Chief, Division of Special Care in Dentistry
Lehigh Valley Hospital-Pennsylvania State University Medical School President, American Society for Advancement of Anesthesia in Dentistry
(Correspondence: TEL: +1-610-298-8805)
The muscles employed in Bi-Digital O-Ring Test involve both the long muscles as well as the short muscles whether it is one person ORT or two person ORT, or whether it is a direct or indirect method, both long and short, muscles are being used in performing BDORT. Nevertheless, in two person BDORT, the long muscles of the doctor-tester plays a major role and as the short muscles play a minor role, whereas the short muscles of the intermediate plays a major role and the long muscles, a minor role. In one person ORT, regardless whether the fingers wrapping around the outside of the O-Ring formed by another hand, or inserted within the O-Ring, the major role is played by the short muscles mostly adjacent to the hand, whereas, the long muscles play a minor role.
My studies showed that:
In two person BDORT some muscles, especially in the shoulder area are needed pull the O-Ring apart while some other muscles are for maintaining the arm below the horizontal plane (45 degree angle). The major muscles used by the tester-doctor are: Anconeus, triceps, biceps, terres major and minor, deltoid, coracobrachialis, pectoris major and minor, latissimus doris, brachioradialis, terres major and minor, exteilsor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, trapezius, latissimus dorsi. (Fig. 1 * 2*)
The muscles of the forearm are mostly involved in stabilizing the thumb and index finger used to pull to open the O-ring formed by the intermediate. They are: Abductor pollicis brevis, tendons of flexors superficialis and profundus, abductor pollicis and flexor digiti minimi, adductor pollicis, flexor digitorum superficialis, first dorsal interosseous. (Fig. 3)

The muscles involved in the intermediate person for the indirect method or by the patient in the direct method that form the O Ring are: abductor pollici, flexor pollicis brevis, and flexors digitorum superficialis and profundus, palmaris brevis, palmar aponeurosis, flexor retinaculum, flexor carpi ulnaris (Fig. 4 **)
For one person BDORT: the short muscles of both hands play a major role whereas, the long muscles of both arms play a minor role just as the intermediate person of the indirect method that keep the arms at the plane of a certain angle.
(l) for those who wrap the fingers outside and around the O-Ring formed by another hand (such as done by many dentists) the muscles involved the outside hand embracing the O-Ring formed by another hand are: Flexor digitorum sublimis and superficialis, lumbricals, interossei adductor pollicis, flexors digitorum superficialis and profundus flexor retinaculum; flexor pollicis longus, opponens pollicis, oppponens digiti minimi. The long muscles involved are flexors carpi ulnaris and radialis, flexor digitorum superticialis (Fig. 4) The reason why dentists use a completely different style other than what physicians is that many dentists during many years of practicing dentistry have developed a powerful grasping strength on their fingers during extraction of teeth, and many dentists develop their strong grasping force of the forceps to extract teeth. Therefore their adductor muscles are much stronger than abductor muscles and flexors are stronger than extensors. It can be explained with similar grasping force, such as the masticating force of an alligator or crocodile. The muscles used to close down the jaws are much more powerful than the muscles to open the jaw. Similar is the closing and grasping strength of a dentist’s hands.
For those (as most physicians) whose fingers inserted within the O-Ring to open it involves: abductors pollicics brevis and longus, extensor tendons, extensor retinaculum, abductor digiti minimi, extensors pollicis longus and brevis, extensor digiti minimi, extensor indicis. The long muscles involved are: supinator, pronator, quadratus, anconeus, extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radials and ulnaris. (Fig.5)
For BDORT to be performed correctly, the muscles, with their nerve supply, of shoulders, arms and hands and fingers should be in a relatively normal state, the neck muscles should also be included in the evaluation for BDORT. C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, and T1, T2, and their branches have a lot to do with performing BDORT (Fig. 6), either with one person or two person BDORT. Median nerve or ulnar nerve and radial nerve should be within functional normal range.

*adopted from: Lockhard R.D. Hamilton, R.F. Fyfe, FW. Anatomy of Human Body J.B. Lippincott Co. 1965
** adopted from Lockhard RD. Living Anatomy, Oxford University Press, NY. 1962.
Bi-Digital O-Ring Test As A Scientific Tool : My Experience From 15 Years Of Research
Kemal Nuri Ozerkan, MD,Ph.D, F.I.C.A.E.,Cert.MD(4.Dan)* Associate Professor, Istanbul University, School of Physical Education and Sports,
Chairman of Physical Education Teaching Department,
The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT) discovered and developed in 1977 by Y.Omura,M.D., as a non-invasive diagnostic tool, may be very useful in various medical condition.
Author has been working for 15 years in sportive performance by using BDORT. Based on his researches, the aims of this presentation were ;
-to evaluate the accuracy of indirect Bi-Digital O-Ring Test in determination of localization acupuncture points,
-to compare the results obtained by BDORT showing various medical condition with some medical test
-to compare the value of skin’s electrical characteristics obtained by standart measurement device and by BDORT,
-to discuss the benefit of the indirect BDORT method by comparising with standart method.
The Effects of Smiling or Crying Facial Expressions on Grip Strength, Measured with A Hand Dynamometer and The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test.
Ozerkan KN. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2001;26(3):171-86.
Explanation of the Basic Mechanism for the Application of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, (Abstract).
Ozerkan, K.N. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2004;29(3):138.
The Future of the Application of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test in Sports Psychology.
Ozerkan KN. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2005;30(1-2):53-6.
Comparison of The DC Electrical Resistance Measurement By Using Ohmmeter and Bi-Digital O-Ring Test of Acupuncture Point,Yintang on Young Soccer Players. Ozerkan, K.N. The 21st Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture, Electro- Therapeutics & Related Fields, Columbia University School of Public Affairs, New York, October 22-25,2005.
Comparison for the Effectiveness of the ZuSanli and True ZuSanLi (Omura Point) Acupuncture Points’ Needling on Young Soccer Players (Abstract). Ozerkan, K.N. at all., 7th Biennial International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, Sanjyo Conference Hall, Tokyo University, Japan, September 8-10, 2006.
New Approaches to Acupuncture Treatment by using Bi-Digital O-Ring Test”, Ozerkan, K.N., 22th Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture & Electro-therapeutics&Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, Columbia University School of Public Affairs, New York November 4-7,2006.
Comparison of the DC and AC Electrical Measurements of Acupuncture Point Yintang in Various Emotional States of Young Soccer Players by Using Frequency Generator and Bi-Digital O-Ring Test” (Abstract), Ozerkan,
K.N. The 23rd Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture,
Electro- Therapeutics & Related Fields, Columbia University School of Public Affairs, New York, November 3-6,2007.
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Traditional Acupuncture Point,ST.36 and Omura’s ST.36 Point (true ST.36) Needling on the Isokinetic Knee Extension & Flexion Strength of Young Soccer Players,
Ozerkan, all. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2007;32(1/2):71-80.
New Approaches to Acupuncture Treatment by using BDORT (Bi-Digital O-Ring) Test, (Abstract), Ozerkan, K.N Acupuncture&Electro-Therapeutics Research, International Journal, Vol.33, p.73,2008.
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Traditional Acupuncture Point,ST.36 and Omura’s ST.36 Point (true ST.36) Needling on the Wingate Test Anaerobic Power of Young Soccer Players.
Ozerkan, K.N. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2009;34(3/4):205-216.
Holitherapy: New Approaces to Acupuncture Teatment by using Bi-Digital O-Ring (BDORT)Test, (Abstract),
Ozerkan, K.N. The 23rd Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture, Electro – Therapeutics & Related Fields,Columbia University School of Public Affairs, New York, November 3-6,2007.
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Traditional Acupuncture Point, St.36 and Omura’s St.36 point (true St.36) Needling on the Wingate Anaerobic Test Results of Young Soccer Players.
Ozerkan, K.N., et al. (Presented in) 24th Annual International Symposium on Acupuncture, Electro-Therapeutics & Related Fields. 1-4 November 2008, School of International Affairs, Columbia University, New York, 2008.
*Director of the Turkish Medical Association of Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
Discoveries made possible by non-invasive Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
Marilyn K. Jones, D.D.S., M.S., F.I.C.A.E., Cert. ORT-DDS (3 Dan)
Visiting Associate Professor International College of Acupuncture and Electro- Therapeutics,Former Assist Professor at the University of Houston ChemistryDepartment. (Correspondence to: Marilyn K. Jones, D.D.S, Director of Wholistic Dental Associates, 800 Bering Dr, Ste 204, Houston, Texas, 77057, USA;
BDORT can be used to detect almost any molecules as long as you have same sample of that particular molecule which will produce electro-magnetic field resonance. Your brain interprets the findings based upon your skill and expertise. BDORT can also detect any pathological areas without having a sample. Virtual drug and supplement testing is also accomplished using BDORT to find what will treat the problem area. BDORT is a diagnostic tool, as well as a treatment selection tool. Selective Drug Uptake Enhancement Method (SDUEM) came about through BDORT and is necessary when the body is not functioning properly.
BDORT can measure substances in the brain that are not possible without a biopsy as well as detect the exact location and size of the abnormality. To detect neurotransmitters, cancer, Alzheimer parameters, infectious agents, asbestos and metals, their reference control substances with known amount can be used as semi-permanent unbreakable slides. Dr Omura’s new method of mouth, hand, and foot writing analysis is very accurate and stands as a medical record that can be returned to over and over again to collect more information using the BDORT. The mouth, teeth, jawbone, and soft tissue have only had traditional methods of visual inspection, X-Ray, palpation, test with hot, cold, biting. Now we have BDORT to determine if an infection is present, the location, and kinds of infection and amount of the infection if applicable. In the dental field without BDORT, often infections in root canal teeth are difficult to recognize. With the BDORT before the completion of sealing the canals of the root canal tooth, the dentist can find and rid the tooth of serious infections making the prognosis of the tooth very favorable. The tooth can then be monitored for recurring infection and retreated if necessary. If the person has periodontal disease, is it localized or generalized? Then the appropriate most efficient medication can be given. Antibiotics do not treat a viral infection in the mouth. The patient can be tested directly, or the X-Ray films can be tested, a photo can be tested, as well as mouth, hand and foot writing can be tested Not only can the appropriate medicine and dosage can be found, but also any incompatible medicines can be detected so that they do not cancel each other out. Before the BDORT, many infections in the teeth, gums and bone were missed using only visual inspection of an X-Ray. These improvements could not be accomplished without the BDORT.
Sometimes a TMJ Dysfunction is treated structurally and will not resolve until the infectious part
is treated. Dr Omura has developed a new technique to obtain additional information from the TMJ using the mouth, hand, and foot writing. This testing can be performed in the open and closed mouth positions. When the front teeth are mechanically stimulated, the cancer parameters are reduced and the pain is decreased. If the patient is tested by BDORT immediately after stimulating the front teeth, a false negative may be obtained. When having the patient do the mouth writing, the pen cannot touch the front teeth and it has to have ink all the way to the area of the pen that the patient’s teeth are biting on.
Asbestos containing dental materials are a problem in dentistry. Detecting asbestos in dental materials as well as in the patient’s body is important and possible using BDORT. Asbestos has been shown by Professor Omura to often cause cancers and it is present in every cancer. Asbestos greater than 0.14 mg BDORT units is often the cause of cancers and other malignancies may develop or the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease increases. This makes it very important to examine the use of dental materials and to check for high asbestos. Several patients have been examined and found to have Anaplastic Astrocytoma only to then learn that they have plastic dental appliances in their mouth containing high amount of asbestos. Once their asbestos containing appliance is removed from their mouth and an adequate distance from their body is maintained, all the cancer parameters disappear. One patient said her appliance is two and a half years old. That is how long it took for symptoms to appear sending her to the hospital.
Determining a safe distance from harmful substances using BDORT is very useful. Dental appliances with asbestos can still cause the Anaplastic Astrocytoma response to persist if the appliance is in close proximity to the body. Also cell phones, computer monitors, and televisions screens can influence our health if we continually stay too close to these electrical devices which generate undesirable EMF. Negative people can also influence us.
When we take a panoramic x-ray of a patient, there is a decrease in their telomeres in the hippocampus. If they are healthy, they will recover from this exposure on their own. If not we can use one or more of Dr Omura’s telomere raising techniques.
Telomeres can be measured in the normal cell and the cancer cells within several minutes using BDORT. Normal laboratory testing of telomeres would take at least a week and would be very expensive. This limits the use of laboratory testing to detect telomeres. Also it isn’t practical to do biopsy or surgery to detect telomeres. When testing isn’t convenient, or not reasonably priced, not receiving the results in a reasonable time frame, and not readily accessible, doctors hesitate to use it.
It is very important to screen our dental patients for oral cancer. We do this by visual inspection, palpation, and perhaps light assisted visual inspection such as the Velscope or the Identify using BDORT over the mouth and measuring Integrin 51 using BDORT with the control substance. Also Dr Omura’s new device could be directed to the foil and the patient could write with the right and left hand. We have so much more available to us as doctors by using the BDORT.