以下是科學界對BDORT研究後得出的運作理論 (英文)︰
Study on the Basic Neurophysiological Mechanisms of the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
Victor Lysenyuk, M.D.,Sc.D.,F.I.C.A.E. Chairman,Dept. of Non-Orthodox Medicine, NationalMedical University, Kiev, Ukraine
The Bi-Digital O-ing Test (BDORT) is spreading in the different fields of medicine gradually. The main advantage of BDORT is its high efficiency and affordability. The most important aspects of the BDORT application are:1)localizing abnormal parts of the body; 2) identifying the cause of pathology; 3) evaluating food and drug compatibility; 4) estimating the therapeutic effects of any treatment; 5) detecting acupoints and meridians, organ representation area. The details how BDORT works are not completely investigated, but many experiments have shown that its basic mechanism includes the muscle force changes through a brain response on the characteristic electro-magnetic signals. The gigantocellular nucleus of reticular formation plays a central role in the realization of BDORT. This nucleus mediates postural and vesticular reflexes, extensor and flexor muscle tone. Stimulation of the gigantocellular effector zone in the medullary reticular formation tends to inhibit somatomotor activity. Stimulation of the gigantocellular effector zone in the pontine reticular formation and in the mesencephalic reticular nuclei facilitates somatomotor activity.
To examine the reactions of the neuromuscular system during BDORT, we conducted an electromyographic investigation of H(Hoffmann)- reflex according to the standard technique. As is commonly-known, H-reflex is very sensitive to any supraspinal influence and can be considered as an important model for the study of central and peripheral neurophysiological mechanisms in humans. The dynamics of the spinal motoneuron’s excitability was examined during the weakening and strengthening responses of BDORT. Statistically significant difference in the testing H-reflex values was found for those conditions. The weakening response of BDORT was accompanied with the H-reflex decrease. The H-reflex increase correspond to the strengthening response while performing BDORT. The direct method of BDORT showed more dynamics than the indirect one. But the latter gave more stable values of the testing H-reflex. On the next stage, the relationship between degrees of opening with the testing H-reflex was investigated. We could not find statistically significant difference for degrees of the weakening response (opening). The possible explanation could be in the pronounced individual variations of the testing H-reflex values. On the contrary, the strengthening response of BDORT showed rather clear correspondence for different degrees of not opening with the testing H-reflex. The dynamics of the spinal motoneurons’ excitability observed in our experiments can be explained by supraspinal influence mostly of the gigantocellular nucleus of reticular formation. Repeated basic experiments using the described approach are important for developing the neurophysiological bases of BDORT.
The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT) is spreading in the different fields of medicine gradually. The main advantage of BDORT is its high efficiency and affordability. The most important aspects of the BDORT application are 1) localizing abnormal parts of the body; 2)identifying the cause of the pathology; 3) evaluating food and drug compatibility; 4) estimating the therapeutic effects of any treatment; 5) detecting acupoints and meridians, organ representation areas. As reported by Prof.Omura, Y., more than 10 years ago, the gigantocellular nucleus of reticular formation plays a central role in the realization of BDORT. This nucleus mediate postural and vestivular reflexes, extensor and flex muscle tone. Stimulation of the gigantocellular zone in the medullary reticular formation tends to inhibit somatomotor activity.
A Possible Mechanism of Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT)
-Concept of the Association of the Pineal Gland in BDORT-
Chifuyu Takeshige M.D., Sc.D., F.I.C.A.E.
Prof. Emeritus, Showa University School of Medicine; President, Showa University School of Medicine; Former Dean, Showa University School of Medicine; President, Society of Japanese Ryodoraku Medicine
Based on some experimental evidence, a possible mechanism to explain the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BDORT) is led by following:
Association of the pituitary gland in BDORT.
It is known that BDORT is unsuccessful when eyes are closed. Body organs, which respond to light, are the retina and the pineal gland. Some pineal gland cells exhibiting spontaneous electrical activities are respond to light. It is assumed that light responding neurons also respond to resonance; this, in turn, explains BDORT since resonance is a generally accepted concept, which is associated with BDORT. On the other hand, some neurons in the pineal gland respond to magnetic field of to external qigong, which inhibits N-acetyl-serotonin-transferase (NAT) from increasing serotonin content in the pineal gland. BDORT is unsuccessful in patient suffered from cancer of the pineal gland.
The index of BDORT is the external force, which opens the O-Ring against the total sum of the muscle tonus of the flexor and extensor muscles while making the O-Ring. This is made by activation of the a-motor neuron to these voluntary muscles; in addition, muscle tonus is regulated involuntarily by activation of the g-motor neuron which is controlled by the descending serotonergic system originating from the brainstem raphe nucleus. Hence, the muscle tonus is changed involuntarily by different activation of the descending system independent from the voluntary movement of making O-Ring. If serotonin contents of the pineal gland change depending upon the grade of resonance and if the effect of serotonin in the raphe nucleus to the extensor g- system is different from that to the flexor g- system, the total muscle tone of the finger muscles making O-Ring should be changed during BDORT.
Working hypothesis to explain BDORT.
There might be resonance responsive neurons in the pineal gland. N-acethyl -serotonin- transferase might be inhibited by resonance changing serotonin content. This might explain the change of muscle tone as the index of BDORT.
Abstract from 4th International Symposium on The Bi-Digital O-Ring Test
The Possible Mechanism to Explain Various Phenomena in Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BOT)
Chifuyu Takeshige, M.D., Sc.D., F.I.C.A.E.
President, Showa University; Former Dean, Showa University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
The mechanism of Bi-Digital O-Ring Test (BOT) might be explained by following working hypothesis(which is indicated by border lines in sentence).
Flexor voluntary movement of finger muscles to make O-Ring in BOT is brought about by activation of the α-motor neuron innervated to these muscles, through activation of the pyramidal tract originated from the motor cortex.
On the other hand, tonus of muscle is maintained involuntarily by activation of other system, γ-motor system, which is innervated to the muscles in both sides of the muscle spindle which informs the muscle length through afferent nerve impulses to theα-motor neuron to maintain the tonus of muscle. It is known thatγ-motor system to the flexor finger muscle is inhibited by descenting serotonergic system originated from the raphe nucleus in the brainsystem.
When a definite organ is diseased, the sensitive spot responded to stimulation of light touch with fine stick appeared in the definite skin area. Since the relation between such spot of the skin and diseased organ is definite (organ representative area), one can realized the diseased organ by stimulation of such apot. Opening of O-Ring by external force against voluntary closing force of O-Ring by action of the flexor muscle might be resulted in reduction of muscle tonus due to activation of the deseending serotonergic system.
Furthermore, it was shown that BOT is able to determine the nature of disease by using the corresponding diseased tissue of cover-glass preparation. Hence a possible resonance sensitive receptor might be responded by resonance between diseased organ and corresponding preparation.
Existence of the distance receptors in the pineal body responded to distant source such as photo, earth magnetic field (MF) and qi are evatuated by responses of the spontaneous electrical activities of the pineal gland cell to these stimuli.
It is also known that photo or MF inhibits N-acethylserotonin-transferase (NAT) which is the converting enzyme from serotonin to N-acethylserotonin in the pineal body resulting in increase of serotonin content. Since serotonin content in the pineal gland is 5.0 times higher than the other brain area, changes of serotonin content in the pineal gland might largely influence those in the blood.
If the photo sensitive receptor in the pineal body is also activated by resonance, since BOT is not successful under clothing eyes, and NAT is also inhibited by activation of such resonance receptor, the increased serotonin content in the blood might activate the deseeding serotonergic system and then O-Ring might open showing nature of disease.
This assumption is supported by the observation that ORT is not successful in patient suffered from the pineal gland tumor.
Abstracts of the 9th Congress of Japan Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Medical Society